Monday, May 14, 2007 

Yes, I am alive!

For those interested and actually check my blog I do apologize for my delinquent posts. I can't even say I have been busy these past 3 or 4 months, I just haven't been posting. Not much has been happening since the snow storm in January but nonetheless I am alive. I am still recovering from my broken foot and just working away to pay the bills. May has most definitely snuck up on us and I am amazed at how swift June is approaching. I am excited for summer yet I am uncertain about what will take place. I am taking several trips to my beloved Montana this summer. To work at camp, to spend time with my family and friends and just to get away from the mundane everyday life that Portland has become. But enough about mundane life, I'm sure I'll post more thoughts regarding this transitional time in life soon. But I wanted to holla at ya'll and let you know that I am alive and I am doing well, for the most part at least. I appreciate you all and I covet your prayers as this time in life is transitional and can be hard at times. And be encouraged I am praying for you all as well. Even though i have been absent these few months and I haven't posted or emailed or called doesn't mean I love you any less. But I must leave for now, but I want to leave you with a story:

It was a typical Monday morning, my brain and my body reluctant to awaken I force myself up to shower and properly prepare for the day. It was a sunny day, it seemed to be a fine start to yet another fine uneventful week. The clock read 8:45am, I grabbed my wallet, keys and lunch and headed for the door. As I stepped off the last step something seemed odd and out of place, my car wasn't in it's usual place. I looked around the parking lot thinking I had parked elsewhere, nope, no sign of my car. I asked myself, "Did I lend it to someone? Nope, I have the keys". Then it hit me, my car was gone, my car was stolen. "Not again!" I said to myself. I quickly called my boss for a ride. "How can my car be gone? I just got the car. Is someone stalking me? How can this be, it's the 2nd car in 4 months that I've had stolen" I couldn't stop the thoughts. They were right, how could this have happened. Saddened and frustrated I went about my work waiting and praying that the police would find something. But doubts took their toll, "It took them 3 months to find Jack. I can't afford to lose another car. Maybe I'm not ment to have one. How will I get to Montana this summer?" These doubts and many more intruded my daily activities. 7:45pm, frustrated and worn out, I sat on my couch wanting to do nothing but relax. The phone rang. It was the police, they have found my car. I hoped on the train to retrieve it. He was in the same condition, nothing stolen, except for 140 miles off the Odomemeter. That's right 140 miles. Ah...if only my car could talk. But nevertheless, Luigi is safe and sound, with his nifty new CLUB on the steering wheel and his faithful owner waking up every time a car starts.

So, there's my story, it's true and real...only happened 2 weeks ago. It's quite funny. All that can be said is...Oh Sheri!

Love ya.
