Be Happy...Eat a Doughnut!!!

Today, Friday October 27th, I herby declare National Sheri declared eat a doughnut day!!!
How long has it been since you've eaten a doughnut? For some of you it hasn't been that long ago, but then again for some it has been too long, way too long. Doughnuts are amazing little things. They are soft and delightfully filling. A doughnut or two and a nice tall glass of cold orange juice can easily fill and satisfy your morning breakfast needs. But way to often do we neglect to reflect on the joy that doughnuts bring. Doughnuts can brighten anyones day, when you eat a doughnut on a morning that is particular may seem like your troubles have vanished momentarily. Doughnuts seem to bring a fresh start to your day.
So, in honor of the delightful fluffy blessings that doughnuts are....I urge you to go eat a doughnut and tell your friends. Doughnuts are only happy when you are happy eating them!!!