Sing to Jesus
So, I have been absent for about 5 months now. Some may have wondered where I've gone, others could have cared less and still others may have had no recollection of my presence much less my absence. But nonetheless, here I am.
Life seems to be created with ceaseless stress and pain. Whether it is the past, present or future the pressures to deal, cope and hope seems almost unbearable. The past is so haunting, the present is so demanding and the future is so dark.
With all these pressures what is one to do? Typically I would be expected to give in to the taunting of my past, focusing solely on what I lack, rather than what I have. Although that is often the case, I do see that I have been blessed. It is through grace that I am able to accomplish anything, but do I live that way? I wish that I could sit here and say that I do, but I don't. I long for the day that I will be able to live at least one day fully in the grace that God has so freely given me, rather than dwell in the haunting pain of my past.
In spite of my continual discontentment, I am beginning to recognize God's hand of grace in my life more each day. From the amazing feat allowing me to come out of my past, to the incredible promises I have been given that will allow me to live for Christ alone.
Sing to Jesus
Fernando Ortega
Come and see, look on this mystery
The Lord of the Universe, nailed to a tree
Christ our God, spilling His Holy blood
Bowing in anguish, His sacred head
Sing to Jesus, Lord of our shame
Lord of our sinful hearts.
He is our great Redeemer.
Sing to Jesus, Honor His name.
Sing of His faithfulness, pouring His life out unto death
Come you weary and He will give you rest
Come you who mourn, lay on His breast
Christ who died, risen in Paradise
Giver of mercy, Giver of Life
Sing to Jesus His is the throne
Now and forever,
He is the King of Heaven.
Sing to Jesus, we are His own.
Now and forever sing for the love our God has shown.
Sing to Jesus, Lord of our shame
Lord of our sinful hearts.
He is our great Redeemer.
Sing to Jesus, Honor His name.
Sing to Jesus His is the throne
Now and forever,
He is the King of Heaven.
Sing to Jesus, we are His own.
Now and forever sing for the love our God has shown.
I heard this song for the first time the other day, it made me cry. The truth it expresses is almost unattainable.
How can one fathom the Love of Christ?
How can one understand the work that Christ accomplished through His death on the cross? How can one comprehend Christ as the 'Lord of our shame, Lord of our sinful hearts'?
I don't think we were meant to understand this completely, it is a mystery. This mystery requires faith, faith to walk in the grace that has been given us. In that faith comes the mystery of the grace that we accept, the grace that allows our shame and sin to be forgiven and replaced with hope and mercy.
It is through Christ that we are able to sing. It is through Christ that we are able to live, whether from the past, in the present or to the future, it is Christ that molds us to be able to live and face each day. It is hard for me to cling to Christ, to come to Him when I am weary, to let Him carry my burden and for me to take up His. But I know that each day I live with Christ, I am being molded. In this I am learning how to humbly walk in that grace, the grace of hope for the coming Kingdom. The Kingdom where pain and stress will cease and joy and peace will triumph.
Life is not created with ceaseless pain and stress, but is created for victory to overcome pain and stress through Christ alone. I, Sing to Jesus, He took my shame clothing me with the victories of His grace.
Life seems to be created with ceaseless stress and pain. Whether it is the past, present or future the pressures to deal, cope and hope seems almost unbearable. The past is so haunting, the present is so demanding and the future is so dark.
With all these pressures what is one to do? Typically I would be expected to give in to the taunting of my past, focusing solely on what I lack, rather than what I have. Although that is often the case, I do see that I have been blessed. It is through grace that I am able to accomplish anything, but do I live that way? I wish that I could sit here and say that I do, but I don't. I long for the day that I will be able to live at least one day fully in the grace that God has so freely given me, rather than dwell in the haunting pain of my past.
In spite of my continual discontentment, I am beginning to recognize God's hand of grace in my life more each day. From the amazing feat allowing me to come out of my past, to the incredible promises I have been given that will allow me to live for Christ alone.
Sing to Jesus
Fernando Ortega
Come and see, look on this mystery
The Lord of the Universe, nailed to a tree
Christ our God, spilling His Holy blood
Bowing in anguish, His sacred head
Sing to Jesus, Lord of our shame
Lord of our sinful hearts.
He is our great Redeemer.
Sing to Jesus, Honor His name.
Sing of His faithfulness, pouring His life out unto death
Come you weary and He will give you rest
Come you who mourn, lay on His breast
Christ who died, risen in Paradise
Giver of mercy, Giver of Life
Sing to Jesus His is the throne
Now and forever,
He is the King of Heaven.
Sing to Jesus, we are His own.
Now and forever sing for the love our God has shown.
Sing to Jesus, Lord of our shame
Lord of our sinful hearts.
He is our great Redeemer.
Sing to Jesus, Honor His name.
Sing to Jesus His is the throne
Now and forever,
He is the King of Heaven.
Sing to Jesus, we are His own.
Now and forever sing for the love our God has shown.
I heard this song for the first time the other day, it made me cry. The truth it expresses is almost unattainable.
How can one fathom the Love of Christ?
How can one understand the work that Christ accomplished through His death on the cross? How can one comprehend Christ as the 'Lord of our shame, Lord of our sinful hearts'?
I don't think we were meant to understand this completely, it is a mystery. This mystery requires faith, faith to walk in the grace that has been given us. In that faith comes the mystery of the grace that we accept, the grace that allows our shame and sin to be forgiven and replaced with hope and mercy.
It is through Christ that we are able to sing. It is through Christ that we are able to live, whether from the past, in the present or to the future, it is Christ that molds us to be able to live and face each day. It is hard for me to cling to Christ, to come to Him when I am weary, to let Him carry my burden and for me to take up His. But I know that each day I live with Christ, I am being molded. In this I am learning how to humbly walk in that grace, the grace of hope for the coming Kingdom. The Kingdom where pain and stress will cease and joy and peace will triumph.
Life is not created with ceaseless pain and stress, but is created for victory to overcome pain and stress through Christ alone. I, Sing to Jesus, He took my shame clothing me with the victories of His grace.