Counting my blessings....

9 days and counting, I'll be blessed once again with this breathtaking view. Unfortunately this picture doesn't do it justice. Actually, here you just see the sillouete of a cactus, but it's still rad. I never thought a Montanan could ever fall in love with the desert of Tucson, Arizona. And I have, but moreover I have fallen in love with an amazing family that resides in Tucson, Arizona. The Childs, a family of 5, an instrument of God, a source of joy, and my life has definitely been blessed through them. I am so stoked to be able to spend another Christmas with them. Two weeks of blessed relaxion, love, laughter and fun. Everyone needs to experience the atmosphere of the Child's family, but alas, not sure how that would work. I am just blessed beyond measure. I thank God for them daily. This little update is mainly a proclamation to myself of what is to come, I am stoked. And you should be too :o)
K bye, back to the abyss of studies.